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Every child has the right to obtain all forms of education, including literature. Books are extremely significant in a student's life. Reading can help children learn about the world around them, increase their linguistic and writing skills, develop their thinking, boost their memory, broaden their focus levels, and lead them to discover the limitless universe of their imaginations. Literature is a fundamental part of a child's education and those with limited access to it are forced to suffer a handicap when it comes to reaching their full learning potentials.


Africa Reads is a volunteer effort that began in 2020 to address a growing societal need by donating books to the children in Sub-Saharan Africa. We hold biannual book drives in our hometown of Los Angeles and welcome out-of-state donations in hopes of collecting a total of 5,000 books per year. Any excess books that we collect are distributed to underprivileged communities in our local area.


Charity Donation
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